Tucked away in the high altitude of the White Mountains, in Bishop California, are groves of some of the worlds oldest trees, the Elders. These bristol cone pine trees are said to be some 5000 years old and tho they may not look it, they're still alive! Walking among them, I could feel a presence; therefore, I carefully meandered my way around them, not to touch and whispered when I talked as to not disturb their solitude. Taking a short break, I sat and stared at one of the most well known tree of them all, the Patriarch. Sitting there in total peace, as the clouds slowly drift by on a pallet of earth blue, the Patriarch appears to tell you a story...... a story of 5000 years ago. Everyone who visits these groves walk away feeling humbled and a deep sense of being part of a much bigger, older universe, and the story of life.